Who are the people behind BuyAware?

Patrick Weber | Co-Founder and Lead
« BuyAware allows me to fight against the many global challenges we face instead of only debating about them in a silent chamber! »

Jonas Niederberger | Co-Founder and Lead
« Thanks to BuyAware, I can evoke change in society while collecting meaningful experience working with an amazing team. »

Petra Balbi | Vice President and Assessment
« It is fascinating to see this project evolve. BuyAware gives me the opportunity to work on an interesting issue in addition to my studies at Uni. »

Mirco Rothenfluh | Board Member, Finance and Fundraising
« To me, finding supporters for our cause is both a challenging and rewarding task. I believe that with their help we can push sustainable electronics ahead. »

Felix Graule | Board Member, Fundraising and IT
« Everyone on our team contributes unique skills to the project. Together, we can do our share in creating a more sustainable future. »

Caroline Germeaux | Social Media Lead
« Through our online channels, we can reach hundreds of people and help raise awareness on problems in the electronics sector. »

Nadine Küng | Social Media
« What I like most about BuyAware is our holistic rating approach – we include all aspects that are important to me. »

Manuel Suter | Event Coordination Berne
« I am driven by sharing our vision and informing others about the pressing issues in consumer electronics. »

Sandra Fritsche | Event Coordination Zurich
« I am driven by sharing our vision and informing others about the pressing issues in consumer electronics. »

Christian Küttel | Freelancer IT & Data
« What keeps me motivated is to present BuyAware at fairs and tell people about our progress. »

Jesse Weder | Photography and Media
« It is fun to be part of the passitionate BuyAware team. I enjoy contributing to a more sustainable usage of electronics. »
Former team members include: Felix Böwing, Eric Brunner, David Bürgisser, Anna Struth, Sophia Ganzeboom, Tim Hofer, Yves Perillard and Michael Lüchinger.
Contact us to learn more or contribute!
Thanks a lot to our supporters!

Stiftung Mercator Schweiz | Engagier Dich!

U Change | Studentische Initiativen für
eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

Swiss Youth in Science | Forschen
macht Spass!

Impuls Fabrik | Studentische Projekte
an der Universität Zürich

Global Changemakers | Supporting youth
to lead change